Case Studies


Disordered pronunciation in the babble of a 10 month old baby

This is a personal case study relating to my first daughter: It quickly became apparent that Ella had speech articulation difficulties as she developed babbling and her first words.

By her 1st Birthday I had already started 'treating' her and presents included toy instruments for oral practice and to encourage rhythm.

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Significant social communication disorder for 2½ year old

This child was seen for 11 sessions (following initial assessment) over a period of 14 months. He was seen on a consultative basis for therapy with liaison and advice for his parents in the home and also for the Nursery staff in the Early Years setting.

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Mild pronunciation delay with 'c' and 'g' and some stammering for 2½ year old

This is a personal story with our second child: At about 2½ Poppy had a very typical simple delay of 'fronting' the velars so that "car" became "tar", "gate" became "date", etc, in the context of good vocabulary and advanced language skills.

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Significant speech pronunciation delay for 2½ year old

This child was referred as his mother was concerned that although he was using sentences to communicate, his pronunciation was not very clear and many people could not understand him. Initial assessment suggested no other developmental concerns but his speech was often very difficult to understand.

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Stammering for 3 year old

This little boy only needed to be seen for 2 sessions. At referral, there was considerable concern from both parents as this child had a sudden onset of stammering. Initially it had seemed mild, but quite quickly they felt he seemed to be “struggling” more to get his words out, and there was some breath holding and some physical tension in his hands and face.

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Severe articulation and phonological disorder as a result of a cleft palate for 3 year old

This child was referred to me by her parents and was seen for intensive speech and language therapy for 3½ years. At initial assessment she presented with delayed expressive language (use of sentences), excellent receptive language skill (understanding) but her speech was highly unintelligible.

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Significant speech pronunciation delay and disorder for 4 year old

This little boy was already receiving NHS therapy but his parents did not feel he was having enough sessions and were keen for him to have as much speech and language therapy as possible/appropriate before he started school. He was referred to me 2 terms before starting school.

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Moderate speech pronunciation delay and disorder for 4 year old

This little boy was having some local NHS therapy out of County but the parents did not feel it was very satisfactory and felt their son was making very slow progress.

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Significant receptive language delay (understanding delay) for 4 year old

This child was seen for a multi-professional developmental assessment just prior to him being referred to see me. I saw him for initial assessment mid-July and he was due to start school in less than 2 months in the September.

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Assessment for children overseas who are visiting Shropshire

I have been able to offer full assessment of children who live abroad and who may be visiting family in Shropshire.

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Moderate expressive language delay plus more significant word-finding difficulties for 8½ year old

This boy was referred as the family and school were concerned that he was having difficulty expressing himself and this was particularly noticeable when he was excited.

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Lateralised 's' and 'z' pronunciation (sounds like a 'lisp') for 9½ year old

This boy was referred as his mother felt he was concerned by his speech pronunciation and that he was motivated to change it. He commented that his speech "sometimes worried" him and he felt he "sounded different."

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Communication assessment for a 10½ year old

This boy was referred by his mother who was concerned that he did not always understand instructions in class and that as a result he was beginning to doubt his skills and lack confidence.

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Award Winning!

Victoria wins BCA Parents' Award 2016!


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"We believe that it is primarily due to Victoria's help that our daughter has improved from being virtually incomprehensible to speaking clearly and confidently. We would highly recommend Victoria to other families seeking high...

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Member of:
Royal College of Speech & Language Therapists, Association of Speech & Language Therapists in Independent Practice
Registered with the Health Professions Council